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Christina Williams

Lead Consultant

My Story

My name is Christina Williams and I started selling scentsy because I absolutely fell in love with this product the very first scent! I was also trying to find a way to make ends meet due to losing my job. I love candles however I have been known to leave the fire lit and when I turn them off I don't smell smoke. I had to find something that would make the house smell good without burning down the house! Scentsy is just that, I can leave the warmer on 24/7! I love it so much and you should try it too!

I married my High School Sweetheart Larry in 1996 and we are still going strong and fall in love more and more each day! We have one very beautiful daughter who is living and enjoying life!

If you are looking for a way to make a little extra money or replace your full time job, join my team. We will work together to build our businesses and make money while having fun and doing just a little work. Everybody loves for their house, car, office or where ever to smell good. Why not do something that will be fun!!! If you just want to place an order you can do that too!!!

What's warming in my home